Can we just...not?

Written by Katie Test Davis

Alright people. It is a new year, and this is a rallying cry. I need your help.

I’m *determined* that 2022 is the year where we get to use everything we have learned, and continue to learn, during the pandemic and STOP trying to do it all.

We, as the smart, amazing people who work on behalf of families and children, are no longer going to spend our precious time on projects that don’t have a proven return on that time investment.

Instead, we’re going to ruthlessly prioritize, and that begins by deciding what we’re going to say no to.

To make saying no as easy as possible, the Forthright team created a new quiz tool to help nonprofit professionals like you figure out what to take off their list.

Now, I’m asking you to help us stop the madness. More than three hundred people have already checked out our Anti-Resolution Quiz to reveal the communications task they can take off their to-do list in 2022.

If you want your colleague—you know the one—who routinely answers emails at 9 p.m. to reclaim her time, send her the quiz so she can figure out what she can take OFF her list.

If your work bestie is toiling away trying to stay on top of blog posts that get 15 or fewer views each, help him confidently decide to shut. it. down.

Please share our quiz far and wide with your friends and colleagues.

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Let’s all slam the door on a tired tactic that isn’t worth the time or effort—ensuring we can focus on taking care of ourselves so we can reach our organizational goals. 

Here are four easy ways to share:

Click. Did you hear that? That’s the sound of people across the country closing their laptops before 10 p.m. Or the satisfying sound of shutting the office door on their way to meet friends for a walk or drink. Now doesn’t that feel good?