The Real Reason I Started Forthright Advising


“When people ask me why I chose to start Forthright Advising, an easy answer is always on the tip of my tongue.”

It’s simple to share that when we moved to Raleigh from DC, I started getting calls from colleagues, former clients and new clients who heard I had free time between jobs and wanted to see if I could help with a project. It snowballed, I loved the work I was doing and voila! Forthright was born. The fabulous Niki eventually came on. We grew and grew, and here we are. See...that simple! 

But that’s not the real answer.

That’s the convenient answer.

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The real answer is rooted down, stretching deep into who I am and how I was raised. I grew up as the child of two UNC-Charlotte professors who both taught new teachers how to teach special education. My mother, Dr. Nancy Cooke, worked on early childhood reading. My father, Dr. David Test, focused on the transition from high school for students with disabilities. 

My kitchen table conversations have always been about doing what’s best for kids above all else, and how to fight for equity for and with our underserved communities. 

So, the more complicated answer is this: When we found ourselves back in North Carolina, I recommitted to my roots and built a company that was grounded in how I was raised. 

As I settled in Raleigh, I heard from school district superintendents across the state who were doing innovative work while facing increasing competition from charters, private schools and homeschools. They needed strategic marketing to share the role of public schools in the community.  I met nonprofit leaders who were working within the system to improve the system for kids. They needed an advocate who could help change the hearts and minds of their target audiences. 

And — what’s most amazing — they wanted to work together!

These like-minded and inspiring colleagues (that’s you!) recognized the value of strategic communications in making systemic change happen. 

That’s really when Forthright was born. It was born out of who I am and where I came from. 

Today, we’re growing a PR firm that does things a little differently.

We don’t work for just anyone. 

Forthright clients don’t settle for the way things have always been done.

Forthright clients are fearless in the face of what others would call insurmountable challenges.

Forthright clients love data, and use evidence and statistics to make smart and strategic choices. 

But at the heart of it all: we work exclusively for organizations and people that love kids.

It’s just how I was raised.

Thanks for being here with us.

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