3 tips to end the school year strong

Niki smiling while holding a stack of notebooks.

Written by Niki juhasz

The weather is warming, the days are longer and summer break is so close you can practically taste it. (And we hope it tastes like tropical beverages by a beach, or iced tea on a porch with nothing but you, a good book and a view.)

During this final stretch, we have a few tips to finish strong, maximize on the summer and build positivity with your community and team.

Deliver a Powerful Graduation Speech

As you complete the school year, you have a final chance to leave families in your community feeling warmly about your district. For those of you still planning your graduation ceremonies, this is a great opportunity to deliver a meaningful, memorable speech. 

By focusing on families and students, using humor, showing your personality and bringing the happy, you can both end the year on a good note – and build excitement about the coming school year, too.

You can find our tips for writing the perfect graduation speech here! 

Write a Final Message to Families

We recently read a The 74 article that shared that some families make school enrollment decisions well into the summer. Translation? How families feel about you toward the end of the school year and into the summer is critical for community relations and student enrollment. We recommend sharing an end-of-year message – which can be as simple as a letter, some social media posts and a text campaign – with families. 

Your message could include: 

  • Your plans for making the next school year the best one yet – from new offerings to how you’re responding to parent feedback. 

  • An anecdote or two about what made the past year the best one yet. For example, these could include a big sports championship win, an educator who won best teacher in the state, or taking home gold in an academic competition. 

  • Content sharing how much you appreciate the families in your district.

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Build Positivity With Your Staff

As teacher shortages continue, building a positive district culture is more important than ever. Consider sharing a final message with your team as well. 

Let them know: 

  • How much you appreciate them. Using specific examples of what you appreciate can help show that you’re seeing your staff as who they are – dedicated education professionals who are critical in helping your district succeed.  

  • That you hear their feedback – and share any updates you are making as a result. For example, if your district is dealing with teacher shortages, let them know you’re making hiring a priority. (We have tips for creating a strong teacher recruitment campaign here!) 

  • What you’ll be focused on in the summer to make the fall the best semester yet. (They need to hear these messages, too!) 

By finishing this school year strong – and communicating strategically – you can show your community you care, and set yourself up for success in the coming school year, too. 

Oh, and one final thing – you’ve got this, too. Summer break is just around the corner, and no one deserves it more than you do.

P.S. If you’re using your summer to focus on student enrollment, we have a free resource – complete with step-by-step recommendations and worksheets – to help you attract families to your district!