Get more students into your schools: A free + easy guide for public school districts

Forthright team member Niki sitting at a table with pen in hand and pad in front of her smiling and looking at camera

Written by niki Juhasz

When we see threats to our public schools – such as continuing declines in student enrollment, and politicians pushing for privatization and school voucher programs – we want to help.

That’s why we created our free downloadable guide: How to (Re)+Build Your District’s Numbers: Your Planning Guide to Personalize Communications.

As leaders tasked with increasing your district’s enrollment numbers, your job is HARD. But you are not alone. 

This resource will help you create a well-rounded, evidence-based communication plan to motivate parents and students to enroll in your district.

The hands-on guide walks you through seven steps to create this plan! It includes data, best practices AND worksheets that you can fill in as a team!

See a sneak peek of what’s inside here:

Once you complete the step-by-step packet, you’ll leave with a personalized, strategic communication plan customized to your community. Better yet? It’s easy to update! And remember, we are in this together. If you have any questions, feel free to send them our way!