3 recruitment tips to make your life easier

Written by Niki Juhasz

The teacher who knows how to make calculus interesting. The coach who took her team to state championships three times in the past five years. That team member – the perfect team member for your district – is out there. And they are job searching, seeking the perfect district for them. 

But the competition is fierce. Here’s how your district can stand out in a crowded job market for educators. 

Speak to What Matters to Teachers

National Education Association data shares that district culture (including respect), professional development opportunities and competitive pay are just a few priorities for teachers as they look for new positions. 

Educators want to see themselves and their own values – values like these – reflected in the application process. 

Start by showing applicants what's in it for them, such as an opportunity to work as part of a teacher team, instead of highlighting just what the district requires of applicants. Savvy districts are taking tips from corporate recruiting and making sure that job applicants can clearly see the benefits and culture reflected in hiring materials.

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Show and Tell…The Numbers

Have you conducted an employee happiness survey that shows your staff members appreciate your district? Do your staff retention numbers blow neighboring districts out of the water? Share these numbers with prospective employees, helping you stand out from the crowd. 

Think about it: what’s more powerful – simply stating that you have great programs, or SHOWING that you truly serve your staff? For example, try something like:

At the Mt. Frizzle School District, we know a quality education begins with our staff – and that’s why we work hard to make our team feel valued and served. As a matter of fact:

  • 94 percent of our staff agree or strongly agree that they feel respected in our district

  • We offer more than 12 professional development opportunities per year for new, intermediate and veteran educators

  • Every single new teacher in our district has access to a teacher mentor

Pro tip: putting these numbers into a designed infographic format – even if it’s a simple Canva graphic – can help them pop and grab your audiences’ attention, too.

Empower Your Team

We’ve said it before – people trust other people. When it comes to hiring, this means that teachers are more likely to trust other teachers and principals than they are an HR director or a cabinet-level leader (sorry directors – we still love y’all). Give your principals the tools they need to easily share hiring opportunities. This could include putting together a hiring toolkit that principals can use as they see fit. It may include: 

  • Talking points about your district’s hiring practices and benefits.

  • Social media graphics and messaging that they can easily share. (Note: read how to make sure Twitter *doesn’t* penalize your content here.)

  • A one pager about your district’s benefits.

  • A link to a recent video your superintendent shared about how your district prioritizes your team.

  • Tips for how they can use their school’s marketing tools to reach prospective teachers directly.

Need some examples? Check out Edgecombe County Public Schools' hiring one pager for inspiration

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