What you said: our 2022 client survey results

Written by Katie Test davis

Each year, as we wrap up before the holidays, we take a moment to send out our annual client survey. As part of our commitment to continual improvement, we ask our clients to reflect on what parts of our work together are going well, and what we could do better. And as always, it’s one of my favorite times of year.

Feedback is a gift. I’m always so grateful when our clients take a minute out of their busy days to tell us how our work together is going. We always take the results seriously, and they help me know where to focus my time as a leader. 

So without further ado, here’s what we heard.

Text reads: Nearly double the average NPS score for a consulting firm

First, our NPS score, a universal score of customer satisfaction, remains nearly double that of the average consulting firm. Our NPS is one of our “north star” measurements, so I’m thrilled by this result and excited we’re maintaining our superstar streak year-over-year. 

We use data to drive decisions.

Second, last year we focused on making sure that we were doing more to point out where we were using trends, data and current research in our work, so our clients could see why we made a certain decision, or how we drew a conclusion. Turns out this focus made a huge difference! We’re up 16 percent on this measure over last year. 100 percent of our clients agree or strongly agree that we use current research in our work and recommendations.

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We mean what we say.

We follow through with thorough work. Our clients said that our approach is detailed and rigorous, and that we follow through with what we say we’re going to do. As someone who has been on the other side of consulting relationships as a client, that one is a big deal to me! When we set deadlines, we meet them. When we say we’ll follow up, we do it. And our clients noticed. The vast majority strongly agreed that we deliver our services in this way – our 2022 rating is even higher than last year's already-great scores.

We’re easy to work with!

One question that prospective clients often ask is what it’s like to work with us. Our 2022 results showed just how flexible and easy we are to work alongside, especially in the virtual world.

Did we mention we’re fun?

And, last but not least, we continue to be fun to work with. And DANG, I feel like this one matters. 2022 was a universally rough year, and one of our goals is always to be the bright spot in our clients’ days. It was great to hear that 100 percent of our clients agreed that we are. We spend 8+ hours, five days a week at work – let’s get to laugh while we do it, eh?

Where we’re headed next.

So…where will I be focusing my time as a leader and our development resources?

Our clients will notice that we’re going to work out loud more and share more of our why. That means our project plans will include explanations, when needed, and our account leads will send project status updates more frequently. When presenting findings and deliverables, we’ll focus even more on ensuring everyone sees how a deliverable or a recommendation is useful for their goals, and how it can be put into action.

I’m so thankful to each of our clients for their candid feedback. Knowing how our work makes a daily difference is so important, as is understanding where we can improve our performance. We value your input so much, and we can’t wait to see what 2023 brings for our work together.